Contests, kits and donations

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Picture of the day is going awesome! It's only been a week, so no missed days. Wahooooo!
I am in a contest at Funky Playground Designs, we find out who goes on to the next round tomorrow!! I really like this store, really really like, and want to go on, but OMG there are some awesome designers!!! Heres mine!

Here is my latest kit! Had a lot of fun making this!!

Summer and I adopted a little girl from Africa. MYO , Mondesa Youth Opportunties. So excited to do this and help someone else. One day Summer, Misty and I are going to go to Africa and volunteer. Until then, we will help Wendy


Summer said...

I am so glad me and you are doing this. I really want to go to Africa

Anonymous said...

that is so cool what you are doing! i like that kit that you made after me it is so cute!!

Anonymous said...

[url=]fSNcPLUjTfVx[/url] - lOZmgF ,