
Wednesday, October 31, 2007

You would think having your birhtday on Halloween would be a blast!? Well, I am here to tell you that it is not! When I was a kid it was fun, but I am no longer a kid.(pout). Ok no more pouting!! It is not that bad. Rob took me to Ruby River for dinner last night. It was really good. A little spendy but so worth it. It was slow for tricker treaters, after our nieces and nephews came over I turned out all the lights and hid in the basement. I was hoping to see Cardon, Joesph and Addie! Bring them over, I saved some candy for them. Here is what I made on my birthday. I have been working on this page for a couple days, finally I think I got it!!!


athena73 said...

You did get it. Great page.

Andrea said...

I did not know that it was your Birthday! Happy Birthday, we would have come and sang to you...We did not bring the girls trick or treating this year because it is Adelyn's tradition to fall asleep really early. Last year it was at six and this year five. She is just overwhelmed by Halloween i guess!

Angie said...

We put the boys down early and watched Disturbia. Jeremy took the boys out for about a half hour. I should have told him to heard your direction. We were thinking of you on your birthday. You can still make it fun:)