
Saturday, August 11, 2007

Ok, I gave my blog address to someone besides family. I figured I better stay on top of blogging. I am on 4 teams, and loving every minute of making pages with their kits. Each and everyone of them are so talented. I am addicted, it is all I want to do. Scrap Scrap Scrap. Ok, I do some other things, but I love to scrap. Oh crap! I need to go to a support group. Hi, my name is Shauna and I am addicted to scapbooking. I love to visit scrapbook sites and scrapblogs. I love to download freebies and get ideas from other sites. (sigh of relief)(lol)! The next person stands up and repeats pretty much the same thing. Next thing you know we are trading blog addresses and bringing our laptops to the meeting to show off our pages. Instead of talking to the others we are typing on our blogs and the others are making comments on them. I have to stop, this story can become bigger and bigger that I will have forgot what I started with. I do that, start on one subject and then somehow totally on a different topic. The nice thing about this is that alot of the girls that I work with do the same thing and have no problem keeping up with me and my thoughts (lol). We all do it. Does tha mean we are insync with each other or crazy? Don't answer that! I am adding the sites that I am addicted too, I visit them daily(maybe more) If you need inspiration, there are some awesome scrappers out there. It is amazing the pages that are made. I love it. I want to comment on everyone of them. I am getting better about that. It used to be that I would just lurk (not in a bad way). But now I am feeling not so embarassed to comment. I do not know why, but yes, I was nervous to comment. Also nervous to have anyone see my blog. I was also a little hesitant to post my pages on more than Scrapbook Max site. Got over that. Thank heavens being on Blythes and the other teams helped with that. Ok, I have gone on long enough about nothing. Have a good day ladies!!!